najaf technical institute




This project was achieved for najaf technical institute  from supply starting to end period of maintenance including training 6 engineering in country of origin India


List of items

·       Rheostats1 900Wt ype ECO3.11

·       Universal power supplies type EA-3048 B

·       Function generator type TC210

·       Three-phase variable Transformer type TRTSA

·       (6.5 kvA)

·       .A Standard lead type N25

·       .8 Standard lead type N50

·       .C Standard lead type N100

·       .D Standard lead type N150

·       .E Standard lead type N200

·       variable Portable Supply Unit type COMPAK2O

·       60kV Portable Oil Test Set type OTS60PBf


·       Low Resistance Ohmmeter( 10A /rechatgable type

·       DLRO10 complete with standard accessories

·       1OkV Automatic insulation resistance tester

·       typeMlTl02012wlth standard accessories and auto IR, PI,

·       10 5kV Automatic insulation resistance typeMIT520/2

·       Analogue Millimeter Type 5050E

·       carrying case




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