Al-Balad Al-Hadeeth Company was started as an official company from 2002 and has been established as official company
at April 2008. We register our company in UK at 2009 with Balad LTD company. Our Company supplies various laboratories
instruments. like civil, mechanical, electrical, soil, electrochemical, water, computer, communication and many other
Laboratories instrumentation.
Balad Group is committed to helping its clients reach their goals,to event experiences, to providing an environment and to making a difference and enhancment in you bussines environment
Our strong sense of identification with client projects means that we are constantly striving to provide solutions, even for issues they aren’t yet aware of. To this end, we adopt a progressive approach to technology .
Our long experience at the top of the events business means we have expertise which reaches across a number of sectors, as well as knowledge of specific protocol and local regulations.